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Monday, September 24, 2012

Tari Tari EPISODE 13 (Final)

It's the last episode of Tari tari.. Definitely one of the best this season...
LOL i was about to cry at the ending huhuhuhu
I hope for season 2 but i doubt it cuz they've got their own life...
well, we don't know, Tari Tari's sales are so high so maybe season 2 can be made =D 
I wish!

Sweet Father <3

Trolling around before the show? haha just konatsu

Ur the pest! tsk2 only concerned of money what an ass!

Yes! Principal to the rescue but sad to say.. it cost his job =(

Hahaha Wakana's dad really loves her =D

haha cute!

I can't believe they got to this part, where they will sing for the cultural fest..
i really love their determinations =D

and now they're planning for their futures
College = Separation 

Goodbye sawa! ='(

It's their graduation... it'll be the last batch for their school due to the constructions

aaannnd Sawa's in abroad now

glad Wien found his long lost friend Jan =)

and yeah! Konatsu's in college

Wakana's becoming her mother =D
she's beautiful here!

I really like to see what will happen next, i hope P.A. works will make season 2 the fact that
Tari Tari garnered the highest rank in Blu-Ray sales =D
Hopefully lets just hope for more!

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