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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate EPISODE 9

Chisato's memories of her brother
so sad =(

Wake up call from a childhood friend, whew! I wish i had one

Hmmm! They're helping Oojima for some reason 

Who's this girl? hmmmm

LOL! too worried about the price <3

We've got a jealous childhood friend here oh oh!

haha Non-chan's newest invention xD

Bullies! even girls are now bullies!

Oh oh!! Public Safety is here! 

Whoaw there! Ooojima got some sense of justice too huh

So the girl earlier was a Public Safety member, and has a high rank 

Evil Motives....

Indirect kiss with Morita! xD

Will the past return? Ooojimaaaaa!!!!

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