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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai EPISODE 9

Mina was captured cuz she's the ONE! the Special Specimen!
I was shocked by this O.o

 I don't know but i find this episode hilarious xD

That's right you can't get mina cuz she has a contract with Kyuru

Bambarambambam!!! Ryosuke to the rescue!

Lisara's scent! Kingdom's power up! LOL


*Ryosuke's Imagination*

*Back to Reality*

Back in the Human World!
What have Ryousuke done?! will it be fixed? 
Let's stay tune!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I think that making Mina the special specimen rather than the MC kind of ruined the anime. It felt like Kurokami all over again, where a side character is the special one. Lame.
