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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oda Nobuna no Yabou EPISODE 11

Next week's the final episode of Oda Nobuna...
this is too fast! nooo!

Inspiration of Oda's Soldiers hahaha

and Goemon's followers

Hanbei-chan =( 

I hate this womanizer.. I hope he dies next week lol

I don't know what they're up to hmmm

Hanzou killed Sagara? hmmm i don't think so

hahaha! I told ya last week! 
Oda will be protected by Sagara's Nokia Phone hahaha

Cool dream! I didn't know Sengoku period has wedding dress =D

LOL seems like Danjo is still an enemy?
She's manipulating Oda!

biatch!!!! die!!!

tsk2 Oda what's happening to you!!!!

Why do good anime end so fast? =( we need season 2 or extended episodes for this!!!

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