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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Accel World EPISODE 24 (Final)

It's the last Episode of Accel World.. and yep! No more Kuroyukihime until season 2 =D
Well, there were gossips about season 2 and i believe 6-10 months from now it'll be out...
I got 130+ Screenies for this episodes haha! for memory keeping sake 

Epic fighting scenes!! So cool!

After seeing Haruyuki with this two I was like "gosh! I wish I was him"
hahaha lol! he's lucky!

Lol! what just happened to his wings? LOL

WOW! After several episodes! finally! your wing's back!

So her powers wasn't healing... It was repairing/restoring hmmm

Nomi's so pathetic here...
I was like "Serves you right :P"

And their back again! yey for friendship!

Haruyuki!! you're so lucky!! uggghh!! i hate you hahaha

Nomi's really a good person if it wasn't for his brother tsk2 poor boy

HAHA those two... so cheezy! and sweet

Bestfriends will be ever best friends =D

Aqua Current

Blue Knight wasn't sure if this girl was the blue king.. Im going to search for more =D

Guess who's this girl?! 
ASH ROLLER! she's Ash Roller! I just can't believe it but its the truth!

Well that's it! No more Accel World
Over all it was great! Well, I hope season 2 will be approved soon...
Kuroyukihime!!!! <3

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