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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fairy Tail EPISODE 147

Fairy Tail filler getting more exciting!

Yes! the Cardinal that we know/thought was Master Zero was just a puppet
not a human!

Samuel's trying to kill Lucy! but ironically, she's being protected by Michelle

The Magic Council's helping out civilians!

Go wendy! you can do it!

Meanwhile... Gildarts vs Byro

Glad Happy was there! He's not only cute, but also helpful!

In Gajeel's words.... O.o

Did Erza just trolled Cobra >.<

Angel vs Gray next week! whoaw! maybe some developments (romantic) will happen in here

Gajeel's turn to get cocky! haha

 Meanwhile.... Gajeel vs Brain II

Aaaand back to Gildarts and Byro

whoaw! seems like Gajeel was beaten by Brain II
LOL that expression! haha

Annnd... Gajeel and Gildarts were out of the arena haha

from this scene and other scenes it seems that Michelle still cares for Lucy
hmmmm.. maybe she'll rescue Lucy in the end?

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