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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! EPISODE 11

Next week will be the last episode of most of the Summer Anime 2012 including this...
It has been 11 episodes still Mikadono wasn't able to find his true sister.. hmmm
and the plot for not having him as president is still there!

a dream only?.... or is it not?

LOL! now your imagining naughty things


Another awkward moment =D

LOL what's this? bribery? haha

A date O.o

Hahaha LOL expression

At first i thought Ikusu was watching porn/anime hahaha 
hmmm.. so what did he find out? what's this? 
Let's find out next week.. damn its happening too fast! this anime will end now =/

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