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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai EPISODE 12 (Final)

Finally its the final episode of DBHD, another good anime just ended..
Well, Im satisfied with the ending so its cool.. but i love to have season 2 of this haha

Baphomet horns FTW! haha

Aw! that's got to be hurt! =( poor Lisara! she really loves Ryosuke
in a Tsun way 

He looks like a Kite here haha

<3 OMG! finally hehehe 
this is so sweet cant watch it ill die!

Hahah LOL mina! didnt get the screenies for the subs but you know what it means haha

Dog Censorship is awesome! LOL

hahaha! I think you will die this time Ryosuke... from blood loss haha

Hahaha still a tsun LOL! =D gonna miss this Anime! super cool and fun with a little bit of ecchi haha
I hope there will be OVAs or season 2 of this =D

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