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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Arcana Famiglia EPISODE 10

After using the Wheel of Fortune Card Felicita got her memory vanished..
and at first we all know whose to be blamed! but....

Liberta and Nova working together to save their dear ojou!
isn't it nice to see them work together? haha

Wait! what's this? Nova's cheeks! were blushing! =D

Ahhhh! Ring?!

O.o so it's a fixed marriage then? LOL
Liberta!! don't lose to Nova haha

hahaha! that reaction!

Meanwhile, Jolly's making himself as a badguy again..

Oh oh!! the trio got mad! at first I was like, Jolly is too bad but then...

O.o I though the power of his Arcana was to make a person crazy cuz of the word Luna 
from Lunatic LOL

Lelouch? How'd u get there?! haha
This is jolly with his Arcana Powers

Jolly trying to find Felicita's memories, well do you think he's still a bad guy in here?

Mondo's trying to help Jolly, but he's not in the right condition
(After all those Wheel of Fortune Effect)

Just a Dad! loving a Daughter ;)

Dandaraaaaan! Lover boys to the Rescue!

hahaha a while ago it was Nova, now its Liberta who is blushing!

yep! The Wheel of Fortune didn't work at all! After all those hardships!

The Lover Card talking to Felicita about using the Wheel of Fortune

hmmm! does this mean she must choose someone dear to her? in order to complete the Lover?
Will it be Nova? or Liberta?! ohhhheeehhmmmgheee

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