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Monday, September 10, 2012

Sword Art Online EPISODE 10

A new episode of the best Anime this season!

A duel that decides Kirito's fate as a Solo Player!

Kirito's been defeated which means, he will join Asuna's guild!
Goodbye Solo fighting!

How sweet! <3
My heart is racing hehe

That guy again? hmmm

It's a trap!!

The?! A member of the PK guild ugggh

Good thing!! Asuna to the rescue! 
One more hit and the whole story would end haha

Take that biatch!!


So sweeeet!!!

O.o what was Asuna's thinking?!

If you read the light novel you will now what happened next 
If you know what I mean >.<

Hahah Fanboys gone wild!! hahaha beware Kirito

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