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Monday, September 24, 2012

Dog days 2 EPISODE 12

What a fun episode.. well, next week's the last one for sure..
hmm i hope there's a season 3 wherein the characters in Flonyard will go to earth 
yeah! it'll be fun if that happens

LOL! exchange of heroes eh? wait... how about sink? haha

HAHAHA LOL can't stop laughing after seeing this haha

Wew! i though he'll wear rebecca's costume errrr


whoaw! Noir, Rico, and Cou were trap help them xD

Yey! Sink and Rebecca to the rescue! yey!!!

Those eyes >.<

That song was great.. I wonder why Milhi's voice change when she's singing haha
Anyway, i really dont want this anime to end.. hoping for season 3 of this in earth land 

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