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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Arcana Famiglia EPISODE 12 (Final)

It's the final episode of Arcana Famiglia.. and...
I was so disappointed with this.. I thought the series would focus on Arcana Duelo
but they fit the duelo in one episode! aw! that's aweful!

Now the Arcana Duello has started... but it was a mess! really!
the whole series was a mess =(

 Of course we expect that the Major Arcana will win right? haha

Now, the trio's fighting Felicita..

Debito's out! 2 more to go!

Ohhh! what exactly happened?! Pace's out!
Luca's the only 1 left from the trio!

Annnnnd! they're defeated lol! three of them were defeated! 

Now, Liberta vs Dante and Sumire (mama) vs Nova!!

He's getting used to his powers eh

Nova and Liberta won.. as expected...

and now! Nova vs Liberta

aaaand they end up Draw... then again, as expected tsk2

Lol Mondo vs Felecita

and Felicita won against mondo.. without showing any actions tsk2


And that's it.. the last episode of Arcana... tsk2 ive been expecting for a lot more greater ending
whew! I was so disappointed.. still longing for season 2 though
definitely there should be season 2 =D

Well, fair well Arcana Famiglia!! you trolled me for about 3 months hahaha

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