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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fairy Tail EPISODE 152

3 months before Daimatou Enbu or Grand Magic Games! and finally Romeo introduced it to the Tenrou team making them participate the coming event! can't wait for actions! especially the fight of the Dragon Slayers! xD well, before that! they will first train for 3 months BUT instead

Busou Shinki EPISODE 2

second episode of Angelic Laa ooppps i mean Busou Shinki haha.. still in cuteness overload!
I want one of these cool girls! I envied their master so much grrrr!


second episode of Btoom! and it looks great! wohoo specially himeko! too bad she was raped ( i mean booby raped) cuz of that ugly fat maniac guy =P
nevertheless, she is still awesome! looking for more episode! more!!

Robotics; Notes EPISODE 1

New anime which is Mecha-themed.. the story of a club wanting to create a gigantic robot before they graduate, and show it to the world. It doesn't show some interest or attention catcher yet, but pretty soon maybe episode 2-3 will do =D


Episode 2 of K-anime project =D not bad!
i thought it was a very serious anime, good thing some slight comedy was there and it was a good addition
for the anime not to get boring right? I love K as of now! and i am going to K-eep it on my list

Zetsuen no Tempest EPISODE 2

new episode of zetsuen no tempest! and it looks promising already! whew!
some people made this anime their favorite already LOL
well, they cant' be blamed since this is really good!

Psycho-Pass EPISODE 1

Another new anime this season with uber cool animation and story!
The story is about criminals who are used by police to capture other criminals using their Dominator gun =D
whats more to this anime is that your Psycho-pass (determines whether youre a criminal or not) is

Kami-sama Hajimemashita EPISODE 2

Episode 2 of Kami-sama Kiss and a new character appeared! Crow Tengu! =D
and the old Land God praise Nanami for starting as god well wew!
Love this series!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! EPISODE2

whohoo! this anime definitely tops my list! i really love the cuteness of Rikka!
The fighting imagination scenes were awesome! i want more of this anime! i want more action from Rikka's imagination!

Girls und Panzer EPISODE 1

new anime this season with unique story! well, its about girls who gains respect when riding in a tank.. haha Tank drivers are considered as heroes in this anime.. cool eh?! but oops! no action yet, hopefully it'll be full of action for the coming episodes! looking forward for this! it looks nice!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo EPISODE 1

OMG! i really love this anime as well as the manga! been waiting for lifetime for this haha!
Finally i can see Shiina Mashiro moving! i so love her!! I guess it's goodbye for Asuna Yuuki hahaha LOL
you might want to check this one out guys!
Moeness overload!

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun EPISODE 2

another episode of my favorite Rom-Com this season! Never fails to impress me =D
the progress of their love is a bit fast though haha


Do you like the story of Aladdin or Alibaba or Arabian Nights? then this Anime is best for you!
The characters' names were adopted from the heroes of Arabian nights..Adopted from a Manga with the same name.. it has cool animation, and you will definitely love it!

Ixion Saga DT EPISODE 1

Another game-themed anime this october wherein you switched your reality into the game world...
whew this is cool, and fun.. very fun indeed... you guys want to check this out! especially those who loves game-themed anime =D 

Code:Breaker EPISODE 1

This ones awesome, based on a hot viewed manga online... the art is cool, epic powers, cool story..
I want more of this, and probably one of my favorite this October.. wohoo!!!

Sukitte Iinayo EPISODE 1

Fan of romance anime? then here's for you!
another romance themed anime this season.. Ummh, but on my own stand point, i think the story is not unique, well, i read/saw stories of this kind.. and i know you guys will have the same reaction.. but it is too early to decide so let's wait for the future episodes..

Little Busters EPISODE 1

New Anime this season entitled Little Busters!
from the makers of Angel Beats! whew! so maybe it has a good story too.. but i hope it'll not end
like ABs ending.. that was... ugghh! dont want to remember it!
you guys might want to check this out also

Sword Art Online EPISODE 14

The final episode of the 1st arc of SAO.. whew! we need more of Aincrad before Alfheim Online!!
Well, i don't know but i am disappointed at the ending.. anyway, we can do nothing as of now, let's just hope
Alfheim Online will surpass Sword Art's epicness

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Shinsekai Yori EPISODE 2

Second episode of the new anime Shinsekai Yori or From the New World...
I really dont know what's happening yet, im a little bit confused at the moment..

Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne EPISODE 1

Another Imoto themed anime this season, for those guys out there who loves
imoto-oniichan love then this is the deal for all of you =D
Try to check it, and u may love it 

Fairy Tail EPISODE 151

It was the last episode of the filler yey!
Now we move on to the interesting Arc of Grand Magic Games..
too excited for the competition!

Jojo's Bizarre Adventures EPISODE 1

So here's another new "weird" anime i tried haha
very negative comments saying that the manga was better bla bla
but the story and the rivalry interests me so i gave it a try hehe
Well, it is some sort of anime wherein a battle of family linage of Jonathan and Dio up to their

Busou Shinki EPISODE 1

Calling all Angelic Layer Fans!
This anime is for you guys! =D 15cm cute little girls fighting for their masters!
but unlike Angelic Layer, Shinki's can move without the battle field =D
The animation during the battle scene is cool! you might want to check it out guys!

Monday, October 8, 2012

To Love Ru Darkness EPISODE 1

Season 3 of To Love Ru franchise! weeee
theme of this season is "Creating Rito's Harem" LOL
im jealous of him haha


New anime with awesome action! and it looks promising based on comments of those
who read the manga... BTOOOM! like a bomber man themed anime with ur life's at stake =D

Friday, October 5, 2012

Zetsuen no Tempest EPISODE 1

Another cool anime just streamed online! whew! Cool drawings as well as the plot!
This season is the best season so far! whew!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Kami-sama Hajimemashita EPISODE 1

Kamisama Hajimemashita also known as Kamisama Kiss =D
many comments said that the Manga was awful so they give the anime a try..
for me the anime was nice but it is too early to give my opinion hehe

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! EPISODE 1

New Anime this season of fall! 
This is funny and definitely going to be one of my favorite anime this season =D
you might want to check it out guys!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun EPISODE 1

whew! another anime that caught my attention! first episode but i fell in love with it already!
ohh my! will it beat my number one favorite Rom-Com anime Lovely Complex?!
Looking forward for this cool romance of an idiot-like genius delinquent and a cold hearted studying hard girl!=D

Shinsekai Yori EPISODE 1

We got something new interesting Animes this October especially this one.. some kind of a mystery, sci-fi anime.. well, the plot caught my interests so i tried watching it.. you guys try it for yourself =D
well, i hope the coming episodes would be cooler that can get the attention of many anime lovers.. 

Sword Art Online EPISODE 13

This episode was epic and fun... from fishing to fighting a high level boss! well, i think this was the 2nd to the last episode of Aincrad Arc since the title of the next episode is "End of the World"... and the succeeding Episodes will be based on the second book entitled Alfheim Online =D well, can't wait for that xD new characters new fun!

Kokoro Connect EPISODE 13 (Final)

It is now the Final Episode of Kokoro Connect.. whew! at first i thought it was 17 episodes all in all..
this was a good anime overall but then i was so disappointed at the ending..

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fairy Tail EPISODE 150

yey finally its the end of this arc! and the next episode it'll be the start of the Grand Magic Games Arc!
whew! can't wait for the epic battles especially among Fairy Tail and Sabertooth members =D

Dog days 2 EPISODE 13 (Final)

Final Episode of Dog Days season 2 but... i think they have a surprise =)
No conflict was made in this season unlike the first episode..
over all it is still a nice anime full of fun and action with minimal romance

Campione EPISODE 13 (Final)

The final episode of the Epic Battle/Harem/Ecchi Anime.... Campione!
LOL i think we need season 2 for this.. we need more appearance of the different girls
especially Ena xD

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai EPISODE 12 (Final)

Finally its the final episode of DBHD, another good anime just ended..
Well, Im satisfied with the ending so its cool.. but i love to have season 2 of this haha

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tari Tari EPISODE 13 (Final)

It's the last episode of Tari tari.. Definitely one of the best this season...
LOL i was about to cry at the ending huhuhuhu
I hope for season 2 but i doubt it cuz they've got their own life...
well, we don't know, Tari Tari's sales are so high so maybe season 2 can be made =D 
I wish!

Oda Nobuna no Yabou EPISODE 12 (Final)

uugggh!! Final episode of one of my favorite Anime this season!
Its a bit sad cuz i will part with this anime, i hope season 2 would come out fast...
I really had fun with this anime!

Dog days 2 EPISODE 12

What a fun episode.. well, next week's the last one for sure..
hmm i hope there's a season 3 wherein the characters in Flonyard will go to earth 
yeah! it'll be fun if that happens

Sword Art Online EPISODE 12

Seriously, SAO lacks EPICness fighting scenes now =/
but still the story is great.. in fact i was about to cry in this episode...
the drama... i cant take it!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Kokoro Connect EPISODE 12

What a sad yet fun Episode =D
I really love Kokoro Connect thumbs up for this anime
Lori here's cute don't you think?

Hagure Yuusha no Estetica EPISODE 12 (Final)

The final episode of HYE, and i think there's gonna be a season 2
Overall it was a good anime

Campione! EPISODE 12

I say... BEST episode so far.... if you know what i mean *_*

Fairy Tail EPISODE 149

How many episode was it? this filler is pretty long haha
anyway, as long as it is fairy tail then we're good!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Accel World EPISODE 24 (Final)

It's the last Episode of Accel World.. and yep! No more Kuroyukihime until season 2 =D
Well, there were gossips about season 2 and i believe 6-10 months from now it'll be out...
I got 130+ Screenies for this episodes haha! for memory keeping sake 

Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate EPISODE 11

Whew another anime that will end next week...
well, i don't know but i somewhat like this episode =D

Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! EPISODE 11

Next week will be the last episode of most of the Summer Anime 2012 including this...
It has been 11 episodes still Mikadono wasn't able to find his true sister.. hmmm
and the plot for not having him as president is still there!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Binbougami ga! EPISODE 12

2nd to the last episode of Binbougami ga!
Why do this anime have to end?! this episode is sooo good!
Im about to laugh my guts out haha

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai EPISODE 11

Next week will be the last episode of this anime.. NOOOO!!
Will they be able to rescue Ryosuke? Of course!! it'll be a happy ending =D

Naruto CHAPTER 602

Obito after being rescued by "the ghost of Madara Uchiha"
The chapter is not that exciting... well, its just a side story.. and for the next chapter
hoping it will finally show how Obito turned evil =D