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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tari Tari Episode 5

Another episode of Tari Tari.. It's a bit sad to the point that i cried (a little) :(

 I really thought Taichi would win the Nationals but unfortunately he got the eight place despite of the cheers made by Konatsu and company hahaha...too bad for him

Wakana! Cheer for Taichi too!
Wakana is still wondering about those things said by the Condor Queens last episode

Wakana's Dad is busy selling stuffs and teas outside their house.. hmmm it's hard to be a single father eh?

Meanwhile, what's this?! a developing romance?
Taichi! youu!! Don't you dare touch my Sawa-chan! hehe

Wakana's mother and the Vice principal were friends?

Wakana asked permission to her father to remove the piano from her Room
Just give the piano to me!!!

Wakana's memories of her Mother
They're so cute!

OMG! I'm about to.......

this is so saaaad!

 Wakana, full of regrets! Well dear, it's too late :(

I love this episode because it has moral lesson and that is to Respect your Parents!
Tell them what you want to tell them because it might be too late for everything..

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