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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fairy Tail EPISODE 152

3 months before Daimatou Enbu or Grand Magic Games! and finally Romeo introduced it to the Tenrou team making them participate the coming event! can't wait for actions! especially the fight of the Dragon Slayers! xD well, before that! they will first train for 3 months BUT instead

Busou Shinki EPISODE 2

second episode of Angelic Laa ooppps i mean Busou Shinki haha.. still in cuteness overload!
I want one of these cool girls! I envied their master so much grrrr!


second episode of Btoom! and it looks great! wohoo specially himeko! too bad she was raped ( i mean booby raped) cuz of that ugly fat maniac guy =P
nevertheless, she is still awesome! looking for more episode! more!!

Robotics; Notes EPISODE 1

New anime which is Mecha-themed.. the story of a club wanting to create a gigantic robot before they graduate, and show it to the world. It doesn't show some interest or attention catcher yet, but pretty soon maybe episode 2-3 will do =D


Episode 2 of K-anime project =D not bad!
i thought it was a very serious anime, good thing some slight comedy was there and it was a good addition
for the anime not to get boring right? I love K as of now! and i am going to K-eep it on my list

Zetsuen no Tempest EPISODE 2

new episode of zetsuen no tempest! and it looks promising already! whew!
some people made this anime their favorite already LOL
well, they cant' be blamed since this is really good!

Psycho-Pass EPISODE 1

Another new anime this season with uber cool animation and story!
The story is about criminals who are used by police to capture other criminals using their Dominator gun =D
whats more to this anime is that your Psycho-pass (determines whether youre a criminal or not) is