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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Campione EPISODE 13 (Final)

The final episode of the Epic Battle/Harem/Ecchi Anime.... Campione!
LOL i think we need season 2 for this.. we need more appearance of the different girls
especially Ena xD

The world is in peril cuz of the resurrection of Metis, Athena's mother who attacked the heavens
many years ago.. now its time for our god-slayer to do things right!

Please don't be confused! Athena is different from Metis here =P

aw! athena got hit! 

1st girl!

2nd girl!!

3rd girl!!!

and last but not the least! haha
gosh! got eyegasm there for several minutes =P

what the? i thought it was over already!
so athen was the 5th girl haha

and they won against Metis yey!

I think Athena fell in love with Godou! Look at that blush!

haha poor little sister, dont know what's happening with his bro haha

Well, that's it! whew! we need season 2 with more action packed scenes!
and maybe it'll be greater more than this season!
Campione! ftw!

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