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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Oda Nobuna no Yabou EPISODE 10

Oda Nobuna is nearing to its end!
Wait a minute! Danjou joined Nobuna! xD

Looks like Hanbei-chan is seek for using massive amount of powers!

What's this sudden development? xD

and remember this guy?! 
HE's a SHE!!!

2 cross dressers <3 

Just Nene!

Hahaha LOL! new way of decreasing your fever!

Games don't lie!

I thik I saw this.... oh yeah! from Hyouka Episode 20

This is a very important scene!

Can't wait for that >.<


Another evil plot from Kyo 

Oh shit! Nobuna was shot!

No worries! remember the Phone given by Sagara?
that was a Nokia phone, you will not die cuz it saved you hahaha
Lol just kidding 

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